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Application for Admission is Open!!

Below is a list of postgraduate programmes offered categorised by faculty, department and level.

Deadline Fee Programme
Dept of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.A (Adult Education)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. (Adult Education)
Dept of African Institute For Science Policy And Innovation - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (Technology Management)
Dept of African Institute For Science Policy And Innovation (AISPI) - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. (Technology Management)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (Technology Management)
Dept of Agricultural Economics - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 PGD Agribusiness
2025-Mar-07 ₦20,000 Master Degree in Agribusiness (MAB)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Agricultural Engineering - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Anatomy - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (Anatomy)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Animal Science - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Biochemistry - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M. Phil.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Botany - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (Botany)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Building - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. in Building Maintenance
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. in Building Services
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. in Building Structures
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. in Construction Management
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. in Building Maintenance
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. in Building Services
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. in Building Structures
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. in Construction Management
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. in Building Maintenance
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. in Building Services
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. in Building Structures
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. in Construction Management
Dept of Chemical Engineering - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Chemistry - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. Analytical Chemistry
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. Inorganic Chemistry
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. Organic Chemistry
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. Physical Chemistry
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. (Applied Chemistry)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. (Chemistry)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. Organic Chemistry
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. Physical Chemistry
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (Applied Chemistry)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (Chemistry)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (Applied Chemistry)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (Chemistry)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. Inorganic Chemistry
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. Organic Chemistry
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. Physical Chemistry
Dept of Civil Engineering - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil.
Dept of Crop Production and Protection - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Drug Research & Production Unit - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. (Phytomedicines)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Economics - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (Economics)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of English - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. (Literature in English)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 P.hD. (Literature in English)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Estate Management - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (Estate Management)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Family Nutrition and Consumer Sciences - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. Hospitality and Tourism Management
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. Human Development and Family Relations
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. Resource Management and Extension
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. Textiles, Clothing and Interior Design
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. Hospitality and Tourism Management
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. Human Development and Family Relations
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. Resource Management and Extension
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. Textiles, Clothing and Interior Design
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. Hospitality and Tourism Management
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. Human Development and Family Relations
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. Resource Management and Extension
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. Textiles, Clothing and Interior Design
Dept of Food Science & Technology - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 PGD (Food Engineering)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 PGD (Food Science & Technology)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. (Food Science & Technology)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. Food Engineering
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (Food Science & Technology)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. Food Engineering
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (Food Science and Technology)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. Food Engineering
Dept of Foreign Languages - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.A (Comparative Literature)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.A. (French Language and Linguistics)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.A. German Lang. & Linguistics
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.A. Lit. in Portuguese
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.A. Portuguese Lang. & Linguistics
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.A.(African Lit. in French)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.A.(French Literature)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.A.(Lusophone Area Studies)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (African Lit. in French)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (Comparative Literature)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (French Literature)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. (French Language and Linguistics)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. German Lang & Linguistics
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. Lit. in Portuguese
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. Portuguese Lang & Linguistics
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil.(Lusophone Area Studies)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (African Lit. in French)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (Comparative Literature)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (French Lang. and Lit.)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. (French Language and Linguistic)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. German Lang. & Linguistics
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. Lit. in Portuguese
Dept of Geography - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. in Space Population Studies
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. (Remote Sensing and GIS)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. in Disaster Monitoring and Management
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. (Geography)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. (Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. (Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System)
Dept of Geology - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. (Applied Geophysics)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc.(Applied Geology)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (Applied Geology)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. (Applied Geophysics)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 P.hD (Applied Geophysics)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (Applied Geology)
Institute of Ecology and Environmental Studies - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc.(Environmental Control and Management)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. (Environmental Control and Management)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (Environmental Control and Management)
Dept of Law - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Local Government and Development Studies - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦20,000 Master of Local Government and Development Studies
Dept of Local Government Studies - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 PGD Local Government and Development Studies
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 MPhil Local Givernment and Development Studies
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 PhD Local Government and Development Studies
Dept of Management and Accounting - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦20,000 Executive Master in Business Administration ( Accounting and Finance)
2025-Mar-07 ₦20,000 Executive Master in Business Administration (Entrepreneurship)
2025-Mar-07 ₦20,000 Executive Master in Business Administration (Human Resource Management)
2025-Mar-07 ₦20,000 Executive Master in Business Administration (International Business)
2025-Mar-07 ₦20,000 Executive Master in Business Administration (Marketing)
2025-Mar-07 ₦20,000 Executive Master in Business Administration (Production Management)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (Accounting)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (Business Administration)
Dept of Materials Science and Engineering - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦30,000 PGD (Subsea Engineering)
2025-Mar-07 ₦30,000 Master in Subsea Engineering (M,SSE)
Dept of Microbiology - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Natural History Museum - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (Biosystematics)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Ophthalmology - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. Ophthalmology
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. Ophthalmology
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D. Ophthalmology
Dept of Pharmacy - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. Pharmacy Administration
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Pharmacy Administration (M.Phil)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Pharmacy Administration (Ph.D)
Dept of Philosophy - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.A
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Physics - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. (Engineering Physics)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. (Physics)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (Engineering Physics)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. (Physics)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (Engineering Physics)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (Physics)
Dept of Political Science - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc (with Thesis) in Political Science
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (Political Science)
Dept of Public Administration - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 PGD (Public Administration)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 PGD (University Administration)
2025-Mar-07 ₦20,000 EMPA (Executive Master’s in Public Administration)
2025-Mar-07 ₦20,000 Master of Public Administration
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. (Public Administration)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc. Governance and Policy Studies
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil. Public Administration
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D (Public Administration)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D Governance and Policy Studies
Dept of Sociology and Anthropology - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Soil Science - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D
Dept of Urban and Regional Planning - 2023/2024 Rain
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Sc.
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 M.Phil (Urban and Regional Planning)
2025-Mar-07 ₦15,000 Ph.D


Official Release: Application For Admission into Postgraduate Programmes in 2022/2023 Harmattan Semester
Currently Available Postgraduate Programmes | Important Information and Instructions
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